're poor but proud-Pakis out!!!!
Can’t decide whether this is a bit scary, or just something that everyone should consider it their civic duty to take the piss out of. It’s like a scene from "This is England" isn’t it?
This kind of thing seems to have been on the increase for the last few years. Not sure why, but I’m fairly sure that extreme stupidity may be a factor.
What do you get when you mix cheap alcohol with a simmering resentment against foreigners? Hurrah!! A new national holiday!
Lets all spend the end of the night stumbling about on a roundabout wearing a
Oddly enough St George was himself Asian. It’s true, but if you try to tell anyone that you will get lynched. Everyone seems to think he came from Castleford or something. “Our beloved St George? A Fucking Slant-eye Sooty Bastard Turk Fucker? Fuck Off!!!”. Fools, fools…
To be honest, this “festival” does seem to be quite innocuous and mainly "Merrie England" ” type bollocks. It’s just I don’t trust any event where people are wearing national dress and smiling too much.
Doubtless this fuckwittedness will be reflected in the local elections. The last time I voted I was given the choice of:
- ·Labour (indistinguishable from Conservative)
- ·Liberal (pointless by it’s very nature_
- ·Conservative (indistinguishable from Labour)
- ·The BNP (the friendly face of fascism)
- ·A party with a name like “National Democrats” (which although innocuous sounding are fucking nutbags and apparently even the BNP have told it’s members to distance themselves from them)
- ·Some form of even more extreme “Super Nazi” party whose name I forget (whose only policy was along the lines of “we will drive around the area in sinister black van with a colour chart, shooting people who are on the darker side-oh yes, and we’ll keep the Post Office open”)
Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I don’t want to live in a Nazi Police state, and it is nice that we're being asked…
On an unrelated note, over the last few months I seem to be getting comments on this blog from people I’ve never heard of before. Thanks, it’s most appreciated