I have said some unpleasant things about this man in the past:
Jeremy Kyle-bread and circuses...
I take them all back. This man hates with an even deeper passion that I am capable of, and yet manages to cover it up with a thin veneer of “caring”
I have recently found that a combination of sleep deprivation and repeated viewings of the Jeremy Kyle show is a useful and effective psychological technique for creating Nazis.
I really cannot fault his pleb goading skills…absolutely masterful-the contempt just shines through as well. I want his job, or one like it, however I think the only other way in which you can be paid for being unpleasant to extremely thick people on the dole is to work in a Jobcentre: “Have you, in the last 2 weeks, done any work, paid or unpaid? Have you, in the last 2 weeks even bothered changing your clothes or showering? Didn’t think so…”
On an unrelated note the 5 bellied Fuck Pig has left the company. Rejoice! No longer will I hear behind my chair the unpleasant wheezing noises generated by her flabby, bloated, stinking carcass as it attempts to heave it’s way through another day without expiring under it’s own immense weight. I don’t know where she’s working now, but shouldn’t be difficult to find out. There can’t be that many companies with ready access to the type of scales normally used to weigh cattle.
For those of you that care, my apologies for the lack of updates recently.