Thursday 26 April 2007

Tilting at windmills again...

Many people accuse me of being negative and angry, and I'm perversely proud of the fact that about the nicest thing that even my own best friends can probably say about me is "Well, at least he doesn't always want to kill everybody".

This is one of the reasons why i am an advocate of firearms control- I know I'm not alone out there, and I know it would only be a matter of time before I was up a tree with rifle, should they become readily available.

Prince Harry is once again the news, this time in an arguments over whether he should be allowed to serve in Iraq as "he would be a major terrorist target". I personally would have thought that this would be the best and most compelling argument for actually getting him out of this country, but there you go, no one asks me my opinion about these kinds of things.

In my view, he should continue the great English tradition of using boorish public schoolboys as cannon fodder (they always come a cropper-I know that from watching "Sharpe" on ITV...).

I hope everyone notices that throughout this post I have held off using the term "The Overpriveleged Little Fucking Ginger Cunt" (until now)

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