Thursday 11 October 2007

It's the thin end of the wedge...

I’m sure some people will welcome this: fresh hell is this?

I however do not. I don’t with to sound like some angry, retired old colonel from the British Indian Army railing against the modern world and its attendant horrors, but this really does take the fucking biscuit.

It’s too late, I can feel my handlebar moustache go all fiercely bristly and my erect military posture begins to quiver with indignation…

Do you really want an avatar that allows you to cross from one “virtual world” to another? Or perhaps it might be better just to have a shower then go out and buy a T shirt that doesn’t stink, you wretched excuse for a human being. And get yourself a haircut and a proper job whilst you’re at it. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps man!!

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