Friday, 29 February 2008

I just don’t have the words for this…

I just don’t have the words for this…

But I’ll try: Cunt...

Don’t know about you, but this restored my faith in humanity. It’s nice to know there are millions of people who not prepared to put up with this kind of thing.

Don’t you just love it when hippies get disappointed by things? I think it’s his note of wounded pride that makes me laugh out loud the most. The cretin-planning to walk for 2 ½ years to India without once touching money, and relying on the good faith of humanity? Apparently doesn’t realise most people’s priorities are (in pretty much this order) their families, their friends, and then their local communities and so on. Half arsed freeloading new age fools come somewhere at the bottom of the list (just below puffins, but slightly above Sandi Toksvig)

Hmmmm… can I order an annoying hippie twat with a side order of blinkered self importance please? Oh yes, and can I have some pretentiousness with that please?

The fucking idiot didn’t even bother to learn any languages, and was just planning to survive by offering his skills to people in return for food. Because web authoring skills are just what would required by subsistence level farmers in the developing world in return for the last of their family's rice.

The man is a complete fool. This is one for his journal entries "...not only did no one not speak the language, they had also seen us as just a bunch of freeloading backpackers, which is the complete opposite of what the pilgrimage is really about.” See what I mean about the note of self-pitying self justification?

You’re in another country, begging for food with no money and no language skills and you have nothing of value to offer. Yet you expect people to speak English and feed you. That’s exactly what it’s really about mate…

Apparently he’s quite keen on the idea of a “freeconomy”. The twee fucking wanker. That’s all very well if you’re an affluent Trustafarian prick (I don’t even need to check this, I just know he is), but for everyone else who has to rely on themselves to actually survive it’s a slightly different matter. The world owes you nothing mate-if you put nothing in, you get nothing out. Get fucking used to it.

I hate hippes….

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