Tuesday, 12 February 2008

Whingeing little fuckers

http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/IT'S SO UNFAIR!!!!

What exactly is the problem with this? My standard response to this kind of thing is exactly what you would expect of a retired Indian Army Colonel: “What’s wrong with National Service??? Pull yourself up by your damn bootstraps boy!!! This bloody country has gone to the dogs!!! Etc.

BBC breakfast this morning featured an interview with a “teenage rights campaigner”. I’ve no doubt the young man in question was a fine, clean living, upstanding young man, however his presence prompted 2 questions in my mind:

a) What the hell are you going to do when you grow up? And somewhat uncharitably, the wish that we never have to share an office.


b) Just what platform are you campaigning from, you vainglorious little shit? “Teenager’s Rights” indeed? Absurd-you don’t pay any tax, you have no responsibilities and you’re only a teenager for seven years anyway you arrogant fucker, and I’ve got a pair of fucking shoes older than that, so are far as I am concerned you can just fuck right off.

Shami Chakrabati can just fuck right off too. She claims this device can have no place in a society that values children. Bollocks. Any society that claims to value children must also take responsibility for ensuring they are brought up with discipline and a sense of responsibility and citizenship. As this appears to be lacking from many parents I’m quite happy for some kind of ultra sonic space-age siren thing to do the job instead.

"What type of society uses a low-level sonic weapon on its children? Imagine the outcry if a device was introduced that caused blanket discomfort to people of one race or gender, rather than to our kids," she has said.

Point 1-this is not a “low-level sonic weapon” as pretty much by definition, a weapon causes death or lasting harm and this does neither. It’s just a bit annoying for them.

Point 2-this device is clearly not being used to cause discomfort to specific gender or ethnic groups, nor has anyone any plans to do so. It’s really quite democratic actually, as it causes discomfort to everybody’s kids. As no one has even suggested such a thing so it’s a bit like saying “Imagine if our country started eating old people, rather than cows” apropos of nothing.

I also suspect that when Ms Chakrabati goes out to buy some milk from her local shop she doesn’t have to run a gauntlet of irritating little fuckers throwing bottles at each other and asking you to buy alcopops and 10 Regal kingsize for them. Then complaining that I mark the prices up by a few pence.

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