Friday, 31 August 2007

Sean Bean must Die

The missus has been spending a lot of time watching “Sharpe” on TV recently, which is odd, as she used to hate it. The only reason for this I can think of (and she denies this) is the presence of Sean Bean.

I’ve tried wearing a Napoleonic era military uniform around the house and shouting “Lets get them Frog Bastards lads!” in my best loud northern voice but this doesn’t seem to be cutting the mustard.

I’ve had a quick look on Wikipedia and I don’t think I’m able to compete with him at all, which means I have no alternative but to assassinate him.

So far I think my best bet is either Poison or Archery.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you mentioned this. This entry was what led me to find your blog in the first place back when you wrote it. As much as I admire the man, your post made me laugh out loud and I've been a regular reader ever since. So that's one more thing the ubiquitous Mr.Bean has done for society.