Wednesday, 12 September 2007

a few compassionate words of reason...

Some people have said to me “Edgar, you’d better watch what you write, because sometimes you sound like a Nazi”.

Thank you for your concern, however nothing could be further from the truth-I am in fact a deeply caring and sensitive man with endless reserves of patience, whose heart sometimes literally fucking bleeds for those more unfortunate, or less intelligent than myself-those people, who through no fault of their own seem unable to function correctly in society, and instead prefer to stand around on street corners all day wearing dirty tracksuits and looking for things to steal-I fear is if this situation is allowed to perpetuate we all face a bleak, dystopian future.

However because I’m middle class and reasonably well educated, like most people in my position I have a very liberal and enlightened view about matters such as social deprivation and class inequality, views which are best summed up as:

“I don’t care what these filthy vermin do in their own rat infested slums, garrets and alleyways, but if one of them so much as steps foot on my property, by God I’ll set the dogs on them…!”

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