Thursday, 12 July 2007

Oh for fucks sake....

Sorry-this is another one from the BBC website that irritated me-I’ll try to be funny about it but no guarantees...

A feeble attempt to prevent children from becoming almost completely feral

This is a broadly similar issue to a rant I wrote a few weeks ago about filthy dole scum.

In an effort to “engage” with the youth of today it appears that once again the government is going to fuck around with education (and spend a shitload of money) to make it more “relevant” and “focused”. Whatever… In my experience the 2 major problems facing education are as follows:

1) A lot of teachers are Cunts
2) A lot of children are Cunts

And that’s about it really.

The ideal solution would be of course to ensure that all the cunts end up in the same buildings, however no one seems to have considered this as a viable option as yet. I think it’s only a matter of time though-most of the other avenues must be exhausted by now. The Government could give them a special name like “Dickhead Institutes” or something. It could be a lasting tribute to the fucking useless lard arse that is Gordon Brown.

I really do think I have a point here-thinking back to my own schooldays I am pretty sure that all problems could be traced back to the above two problems. For instance, most of my memories of lessons aren’t of learning about useful and/or interesting things as most of the lessons appeared to be punctuated at regular intervals by a incredibly stupid kids shouting and biting each other, whilst at the front of the class a social misfit who couldn’t handle a job where they would have to interact with other adults droned on about fucking Roman Roads, whilst completing failing to maintain order.

Most of these problems could have been dealt with at source-rather than continue to waste money on cretins it would make better financial sense in the long term to give them a tenners worth of smack and let nature take its course. I also think teaching should also not necessarily be the first choice of career for weak minded fools who couldn’t find another job with holidays that were quite as good.

That isn’t to say there aren’t very good teachers out there, but there are certainly some absolutely bloody appalling ones, and unfortunately it seems impossible to sack a teacher once they are in post unless they get caught fiddling with kids. Ideally we need more people who are like Rhodes Boyson and less people who are like Mr Bean in the profession.

That way perhaps I wouldn’t have had to rely on the History Channel to complete my education (actually that’s unfair-we never had that many lessons about Adolf Hitler, tiger sharks or the pyramids anyway)…

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