Friday, 27 July 2007

Some people more angry than I am

I have spent quite some time wondering about the state of my mental health since I started writing this blog thing. Is it normal to feel this much hatred, anger and contempt? And even if it is, is it normal to write it down for the entire world to see (a moot point I know, as I suspect I know everyone who reads this)?

I suspect it might be healthier than bottling it all up, although I might be wrong. Maybe all the psychologists and stuff will change their minds about that and start telling people just to shut the fuck up and get on with things. And who’d blame them?

So I’ve been on a search to find people even more angry than I am (they do exist, however many of them are incarcerated), and have found these guys-the National Secular Society. They are a bit of a single issue group really, and you get the impression most of them have been fiddled with by Vicars at some point during childhood, but it's amusing nonetheless. Well, amusing in a “we’re really angry about something that most people couldn’t give a shit about” kind of way. In that way it’s very similar to reading the letters page in a local newspaper really.

It’s as shame that my parents didn’t bother getting me christened as it means that now I can’t write rude letters to religious authorities about it. Well, I suppose I can if I want, but they wouldn’t really have much substance to them:

Dear Vicar

Erm... Fuck Off!


Fat Edgar


richashby said...

The National Secular Society are an odd bunch.

What amsued me is someone's written a book called The Dawkins Delusion. Does this mean they refute his boisterous atheism, or deny that Richard Dawkins exists?

Aggressive prosletysing atheists confuse me. It's true there's no evidence that God exists, but it's equally true he might and then think 'right Dawkins, that's your card marked son!' *

Surely a more scientific approach would be to take the Schrodinger's cat approach?

God is real.

God isn't real.

* The almighty probably isn't from Middlesbrough just to clarify.

CrossfireHurricane said...

For those of us who believe in the mantra Everything's Going To Hell In A Handcart® it is important to say how things really are (even if the only recipient is your poor abused PC and no-one else) because words spoken or written have more power than those sloshing round your head.

And then you can be stoned as an unbeliever and apostate. Hurrah!

PS God may be from Middlesbrough as those talking CCTV cameras are not controlled by mere mortals you know...