Wednesday 23 May 2007

poor little tinkers....

Recently there seems to have been a massive amount of adverts for various national and and international child protection agencies exhorting us to give them money. Now, I’m as much of a sucker as the next man for these adverts-images of smiling children in schoolrooms etc (however I also believe in the maxim “Charity begins at home” and as such these lazy little tykes won’t see a brass penny of my money, mark my words…).

What I was wondering is why there is such a discrepancy in the amount of money needed per month for these children? I think “Save the Children” ask you for two quid a month per charming ethnic child, whereas the NSPCC says it should cost a fiver. Why? What are the “Save the Children” children not getting that the NSPCC are getting? Ice cream? Sausages?BMWs?

Or are the NSPCC just spoiling their children with extra rations of sausages and ice cream (and their luxury German automobiles)? I demand an independent inquiry immediately…

My own view is that most (if not all) children would be far better off in some kind of terrible gothic Victorian institution run by a drunken ruddy faced Beadle who would bugger them senseless for minor transgressions whilst exhorting the name of God.

It’s character building…

1 comment:

barrybear said...

Dr. Barnardo will be turning in his grave!