Tuesday 12 June 2007

Jealousy is a terrible emotion...

I have decided to save myself a bit of time and just copy and paste a Charlie Brooker article into this blog each day-it’s generally pretty much exactly what I would like to say about the world, although inevitably written with far more sharpness, subtlety and wit than I could ever muster. For this I hate him...

Critics would probably say “What Brooker achieves with a few deft flourishes, as precisely executed as a surgeon’s scalpel, Fat Edgar ham fistedly attempts to replicate by holding you down in his shed and hammering your head into the ground, spitting in your face and screaming “DIE YOU FUCKING CUNT DIE” whilst trying to disembowel you with a rusty shovel”

That’s if the bastard critics ever read my stuff. Which they don’t, and aren’t ever likely to (the Police might, but that’s another story). To my knowledge only about four people read this anyway (HELLO!!!).

Anyway, no politics today, just in case you thought I was turning into Ben Fucking Elton..

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