Thursday, 7 June 2007

Sheer Fucking Pointlessness

Am I alone in my bemusement regarding the present Governments use of “registers”? (almost as perplexing as it's appointment of a "Drug Czar" several years ago. Just what the fuck was that meant to mean?)

John Reid has announced plans to create a “register” of terrorists in the UK. Will this be along the same lines as the “sex offenders register”? I only ask this question because the sex offender register always make me think of a “Bash Street Kids” teacher type of character reading out a list of names;

“Cooke?” “Here sir….”

Nilsen? NILSEN!!!! Are you listening boy? Pay attention”

Sutcliffe? Sutcliffe?.... (sighs) HAS ANYBODY SEEN SUTCLIFFE???”

However I suppose it’s something far more mundane- it will just be a list of names-and in that case why not just call it the “list of terrorists” or the “list of sex offenders”? Hmmm??? You pack of pretentious management speaking twats…

But I suppose a list of all the terrorists in Britain would be a nice idea, if they are going to continue blowing stuff up and making shoddy home made videos on camera phones then putting them on the Internet.

I wonder how you class someone as a terrorist? How far do you have to go? Does the bomb have to explode? What if you were just a bit pissed and got caught by security guards whilst running round an Arndale with some hot dog sausages and kitchen timer strapped to your chest? Does that count?

It's quite a tricky one, unlike the sex offenders register, where as far as i am concerned, if you get caught doing anything worse than(or including)touching yourself whilst watching a "Petit Filou" advert you get your name added. Sounds reasonable to me...

However, all this does beg the question “What the fucking hell are the Government doing with all these names if they are not putting them all on a list?” Are they just written on post it notes and stuff and left around on copper’s desks? Oh, that’s very sensible isn’t it…

No, I suppose there should definitely be a register of terrorists, just so that if a terrorist happens to move onto a council estate, all the local unemployed people can appear on the local news with their terrible teeth and baseball caps drinking Stella and waving placards saying “Terrerists Owt!”.

This is my first try at a political type blog entry, and I’m aware it’s not as insightful or subtle as it could be, however I’m not Trevor Fucking MacDonald, so piss off….

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